Hold On Pain Ends
Our equine-assisted mental health program serves clients with a history of PTSD, substance abuse, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, relationship issues, and more. Operation HOPE provides an option for people seeking a new or different response to depression, anxiety, and trauma.

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a person.”
– Winston Churchill
Our Mission
Operation HOPE provides an option for people seeking a new or different response to depression, anxiety, and trauma. We provide Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for a variety of clients which includes children, teens, and adults with any mental health issues. We also strive to provide therapy for first Responders and their families through our Scholarship Fund. All of our services benefit rescue animals; we aim to spread awareness about rescue animals and the therapeutic benefits that they provide.
Our Vision
The ability to build healthy, connected, and attuned relationships with self, others and the natural world is one of the most important skills any person can acquire and can be embodied in multiple ways. Anxiety, depression, trauma and PTSD all share the challenge of disconnection: from self, from other people and/or the community. By engaging with the therapeutic team of a mental health professional, a horse professional and one or more horses, we can impact and improve both the physiology–self-regulation–and the psychology–the patterns of thinking–of our clients, creating lasting change well beyond the therapeutic benefits of simply being with animals.
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